31 March 2015

Weekend Wanderings

On Friday, A left work early so we could make our way to the east side of the state to spend the weekend in Saline visiting my mom. We also had the pleasure of visiting with my brother and grandparents this weekend. I don’t see my family often, so it’s nice (and convenient) if we can all make plans to gather at the same time. Of course, V was a big hit with everyone. For those who do not witness V’s daily growth and development for months at a time, seeing her can be quite exciting. Even for my mom who sees her most often out of all my family members, it is a joyful meeting. And V has grown very fond of her, too. She liked seeing my mom as much as my mom did her. The weekend away with family was much needed and a good change of pace. We’re so thankful that we were able to make the trip!

Aside from the opportunity to spend time with family, another reason we made the trip was to stop at IKEA again. Our last visit four months ago had us itching to go back! As before, this trip was successful—as all IKEA shoppers know, it’s hard not to find at least something you can’t go without (if not ten!). But this time, prepared with a mental list of household necessities, we were able to find few more items. Our major purchase was a new couch—a Strandmon in grey. I am looking forward to accenting it with some colorful pillows and a nice blanket! Although purchasing a new couch has been on our list for some time, we did not plan to buy one on this visit. However, upon finding the couch we made note of last time, we discovered it on sale—and as a “last chance” item! So we seized the opportunity and made the purchase. We are excited for its arrival in another week! The prospect of our new addition has us once again brainstorming color schemes, styles, designs, themes, and decorations for our present and future home.

We concluded our weekend by celebrating Palm Sunday at St. Andrew, a church I used to attend when I lived in Saline. It was good to go back again and yet also very strange returning to a place I hadn't seen in nearly eight years. If you've ever moved from one city to another I’m sure you can relate. This was the first mass that A and I attended alone as a couple since our daughter was born eight months ago. Although it has been a joy to bring her to mass and raise her in the faith, I was especially appreciative to have my mom babysit since this Sunday’s service was longer than the usual mass… and V can barely make it through one of those these days!

As Lent nears its end and we embrace/enter Holy Week, let us remember that all we have is through Christ and He deserves the praise! Let us reflect on our Lenten practices and resolutions. Let us prepare for Christ’s resurrection and be ready to join Him in celebration on Easter!

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