02 April 2015

Meaningful Musings

A year ago today we saw our baby for the first time. What an experience! Choosing not to find out the sex was the best decision ever. It made the birth a great and wonderful surprise.

As I continue to pack away V's old clothes or items that are no longer of use, I find myself reminiscing over her life in all of its past and present stages. Right now I am longing for her newborn stage and the feelings surrounding her arrival. The other day I was reading over congratulatory cards that we received from family members, friends, coworkers, and neighbors, and my heart was filling with so much love and gratitude for everyone who reached out to us and to her. It's fascinating how a baby really does change everything. Those first few days and weeks as a new family of three are my favorite.

Finding her ultrasound pictures the other day also got me thinking about my pregnancy. I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences. Though now I find it odd to think of myself being pregnant and its hard to remember those nine months. Realizing that this time last year I was almost in the final stages of pregnancy is strange and feels like a lifetime ago. I will gladly do it again someday.

My advice to pass along is this: 1. cherish every moment. Seriously, they go by so quickly. You will find yourself missing the good and bad moments. 2. opt not to find out the sex of your baby or share names. I know it goes against the trend today, but it gives you more perspective on the whole journey. It makes life simpler. Priorities change. (If you need more clarification on what I mean, please don't hesitate to ask)

Now go kiss those babies!! xo

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